We are a local and online community with the goal of bringing COVID-related truth and best practices to Sarasota Memorial Hospital.
Our goals:
1) Some community members shared the nightmare hospital experiences of their loved ones or themselves at the first Board meeting of the new term. (See Dr. Guffanti) The internal investigation was a cover-up. We need a true investigation, to re-examine what exactly happened with each of the nine previously-reviewed patients. Their families need to be allowed to choose their own physician to review the records, and have their questions answered by Sarasota Memorial in a private session with the Board.
2) Sarasota Memorial Hospital board members should call for the analysis of hospital data to determine which diagnoses spiked after the COVID vaccine rollout. They should implement policies that result in robust vaccine adverse event reporting.
3) Staff should receive training on the most successful COVID, long haul, and vaccine injured treatment options based on best practices, including results comparison to current protocol. Hospital board members should invite Dr. Pierre Kory (treatment best practices), Dr. Ryan Cole (autopsy / pathology of COVID and vaccine damage), and Dr. Bruce Patterson (Long COVID and vaccine damage treatment) to present. Facilitate the inclusion of ivermectin - based protocols if desired by patients.Why subscribe?
Subscribers are able to comment on posts, vote in polls, and share strategies and experiences related to Sarasota Memorial Hospital. This helps build the dynamic community we need to advocate for best practices at Sarasota Memorial Hospital.
Stay up-to-date
We’ll try to send emails about important upcoming dates, such as the next hospital Board meeting. We plan to keep you posted regarding new developments, opportunities to get involved, and results from the meetings.