
We are a local and online community with the goal of bringing COVID-rated truth and best practices to Sarasota Memorial Hospital.

Our goals:

1) Sarasota Memorial Hospital should recognize that the COVID vaccine is dangerous and experimental. It is also appearing to be increasing risk of infection with each injection. As such, based on a review of research, it should:

A) Research risk / benefit for COVID vaccine, and subsequently call for a halt to the COVID vaccine for all ages based on what the analysis will reveal.
B) Report all serious adverse events to the Board and to VAERS. Designated staff should be assigned to assist with this.
C) Assess number of COVID genetic vaccine injections for each patient to allow for analysis of serious adverse events, on a voluntary basis, to gather data on risk/benefit of the genetic vaccine.


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We’ll try to send emails about important upcoming dates, such as the next hospital Board meeting. We plan to keep you posted regarding new developments, opportunities to get involved, and results from the meetings.

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FL Department of Health Has Shown that the FDA/CDC/NIH Safety Net Is Shredded: We Need SMH Board Members to Dig Deep and Be Our Advocates!


Sarasota, FL medical freedom advocate